Jeanne Grunert
An extraordinary writer and gifted marketing consultant who easily shifts between strategic and tactical execution.
This is the place to learn more about Jeanne, her background as a consultant, and her popular books.

Award-Winning Writer | Expert Marketing Consultant | Enterpreneur
Jeanne Grunert is a professional, dedicated, and expert content marketer and writer unfazed by challenges. Her straightforward working style builds trust and long-term value for clients. A true marketing expert with over 30 years of branding, direct marketing, content marketing and marketing writing experience, Jeanne is available for marketing and writing projects through her company, Seven Oaks Consulting. Her books are available through Amazon in paperback and e-book editions.
Jeanne Grunert is an award-winning writer of both fiction and non-fiction. She has written and published seven books, including the popular Majek Family Mystery series. She has also published magazine articles, magazine columns, newsletters, collectors guides, and article. To date, she has published over 1,000 articles, essays, and how-to pieces in such varied publications as Investing Answers, Kabbage, ADP Thrive, the Price-Pottenger Newsletters, Equus, The Herb Companion, and Virginia Gardener.
“Jeanne has almost a 6th sense when it comes to detecting potential roadblocks and issues, and getting out ahead of them before they become unmanageable.”
Chief Creative Officer, Agency, worked with Jeanne for 5+ years
Marketing Expert
Jeanne Grunert is also a noted marketing expert with over 30 years of experience leading global marketing teams for companies in the technology, financial services, and education industries. In these roles, she led multicultural and remote teams to achieve outstanding results. Jeanne provides content marketing, branding, and direct marketing advice and services through her company, Seven Oaks Consulting.
“You have the ability to look at the situation critically and at a high level, and think strategically, yet implement tactically, while also being able to read the client accurately.”
Marketing Agency Owner, worked with Jeanne 10+ years
Ever since she was a child, Jeanne has been an entrepreneur. She made and sold via mail order Breyer model horse tack when she was in elementary school and started a newsletter for the model horse collecting hobby when just in her teens. As an adult, she won the New York University Award of Excellence for the business plan for a fictional mail order equine art company – and decided to start the company using the money from the award. These early forays into entrepreneurship enable Jeanne to truly understand what it takes to bootstrap a startup as well as the pressures of finance, accounting, manufacturing, operations, marketing and more. These skills are invaluable to her consulting clients and help her achieve outstanding results as a marketing consultant.
Awards & Achievements
- Branding & Marketing Expert Panel – National Association of Independent Writers and Editors
- New York University Award of Excellence, Direct Marketing
- Lester Wunderman Award, Direct Marketing
- Gartner Women in Content Marketing (nominated)
- American Graphic Design Award, Branding
- American Graphic Design Award, Direct Mail & Catalog
- Brockport Science Fiction Writers, First Place
- Belles Letters, Women Writers, Nonfiction, Honorable Mention
Books by Jeanne Grunert
Pricing Your Services: 21 Tips for More Profit
I See You (A Majek Family Mystery)
I Believe You (A Majek Family Mystery)
An Ancient Gift & Other Stories