Interest Is Already Building!
It’s a great feeling for an author to find out that even before publicity has begun for a book, there is interest in it. Today, a followed on the Writer Jeanne Grunert Facebook page asked if she’d really get a copy of I Believe You by September 30th. I was astonished by the question, since I hadn’t announced that the book was available yet!
The fact is that the paperback version is available on the Amazon Create Space store. It should appear on the Amazon search (“regular” Amazon as we call it at Bricks & Brambles Press) within a week.
The Kindle version of the book, on the other hand, was giving me such nightmares I finally broke open my carefully-guarded piggy bank and hired someone to do the heavy lifting for me. The revised Kindle version should be available this week, too.
The launch of the book coincides with fall, the season I love for its shifting mists and air of mystery. Most of the book takes place in the spring, and ends on the Fourth of July weekend. But the real “story” behind the action takes place on a November afternoon just before Thanksgiving when a little boy witnesses something he shouldn’t have…and that’s another reason why a fall launch of the book is especially wonderful. Fall, it seems, is when the action begins.
Stay tuned for sales information for I Believe You.